The myth of Portland
March 31st, 2016
We’re inviting you to join us for a panel about architecture, materiality and Portland. Beyond thought food for heated conversations, we are providing pizza, adult beverages, (structural) entertainment and some after-talk dancin’—live and in color in our recently finished heavy timber Framework building on NE 6th & Davis. Be there or be lame.

Panel moderated by Randy Gragg. Panelists: Carrie Strickland, Bill Neburka, Thomas Hacker (Hacker Architects) and Brad Cloepfil (Allied Works)
WE CAN PICKLE THAT. The lesson on resilience in our post 2008-economy has affected design on many levels. Portland has especially been a laboratory in approaches to new, economic challenges. The city has expressed it’s day to day response through the development of the raw food movement, the rise of urban gardening (and pickling!), and its’ deeply engrained DIY culture. The vast market need for more economic, fast, and responsive built environments in Portland is testing building solutions and setting the tone for current city development. The response to this design challenge is in searching for the right tools.
BUILD WITH A FUTURE. We are questioning how material systems can be developed to anticipate and adapt to building uses over time. Considering the evolving applications of materials being used in primary building systems, there is an unfolding opportunity for designers at the intersection of material science, socioeconomics, and locality. Exposed functionality and materiality engender environments that reinforce the essential nature of maker culture, preserving and recreating what we find to be true to the core myth of Portland.
Student discount $5. If the discount applies to you, email us (Subject “Design Week Event”) and get your ticket at the door.
See us at Framework!