Fostering growth in SE Portland
October 28th, 2014
In today’s DJC Oregon:
"Work is wrapping up on a project started last year by the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability to explore ways to leverage investment and maximize employment opportunities in Portland’s Central Eastside Industrial District and Brooklyn neighborhood.
“We need to be nimble as a district – we need to allow for a framework that can adapt to changes in industry types, production and employment that we might not even see coming right now,” said Carrie Strickland, co-founder of Works Partnership Architecture. “For someone that has done a lot of work with businesses that fit into the ‘industrial office’ category, I think that we need to make sure that the outcomes support the shift in what constitutes production space, and employment has to continue to be the main focus of the district.”
Strickland, an advisory committee member, said she’s encouraged by the progress the group has made.
“I think the greatest challenge is making sure that folks are thinking about the future and what’s best for the district as a whole, not just their personal interests,” she said."