Accepting Exhibition Proposals
Dec 05, 2023

Project cityscope is seeking proposals from artists, designers, and creative teams for a 6-month exhibition in the 811 Stark Vitrine. This roughly 11 x 24 ft., south facing window display is ground level and visible 24/7 to the general public. At night, the vitrine is top lit with seven (7) downlights. Displays are limited to 2D, 3D artworks, graphics, and mixed media concepts. There is no power within the vitrine. If electronic pieces are included in the display, they must be battery powered. Performance-based additions to the window installation will be considered and discussed with the jury after selections are finalized. Ideal proposals will consider this unique opportunity for uninterrupted visibility while entertaining themes within urban contexts.
cityscope is an urbanism idea lab sponsored by Works Progress Architecture operating as a platform to introduce and facilitate alternative and innovative strategies for diversifying and enriching our urban environment. cityscope brings the design community and general public together for the open exchange of ideas, information and experiences via collaborations that result in events, urban interventions and public installations. cityscope provides the forum for the inquiry, participation and awareness of new and underused ideas and opportunities towards a thoughtful urban evolution in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.
• Because the vitrine is visible to the general public 24/7, submissions must be appropriate for all ages. Explicitly controversial or anything deemed overtly vulgar in nature will not be accepted.
• This opportunity is available for artists, designers, and creative teams over 18 years of age who are interested in creating an installation that will be displayed for six (6) months. Youth artists will be considered with a lead that is 18 years of age or older.
• Local or regional proposers are recommended for this opportunity. The jury will consider applicants located farther if there is a clear understanding that the proposer is responsible for all travel, shipping, installation, and uninstallation of their exhibition.
• A maximum of two applications per artist / team are permitted.
• Submissions must be emailed by January 12, 2024. Submissions received after the deadline may be deemed ineligible by the jury.
• Accepted proposers are responsible for the delivery, installation, and take down of their display. Exhibition installation and take down may only happen during regular business hours Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. Works may be shipped to the site upon approval from the selection committee. Any work to be shipped at the exhibition conclusion is the sole responsibility of the applicant and will not be managed by cityscope.
• The available hanging space within the vitrine consists of seven (7) 3 ft. 5 in. x 10 ft. 11 in. hollow core wooden panels.
• If displays intend to span multiple panels, artworks must be divided for individual panel width. Due to the very limited space within the vitrine, exhibition displays cannot be hung from within the vitrine. Panels will be removed, and reinstalled with artworks pre-hung, one by one. 3D works must be less than 11 in. deep.
• Proposer is responsible for all hanging tools and hardware required for their display. Screws and nails are acceptable. No tape allowed.
• Hanging works must weigh less than 10 pounds each.
• 3D artworks must be able to stand on their own or use the hanging system described above adhering to the weight limit. Standing artworks must not exceed 20 pounds.
• Artworks that interact with the glass must not alter or permanently damage the glazing system.
• Any exhibition display that fails to be retrieved and uninstalled by the accepted proposer becomes property of cityscope.
• cityscope does not manage artwork sales, nor take commission. All sales are the sole responsibility of the proposer. Any artwork sold during the exhibition must remain displayed until the end of the agreed upon dates of the exhibition.
• Submissions must be submitted to by January 12, 2024 11:59pm PST. Submissions received after the deadline may be deemed ineligible by the jury.
• A maximum of two applications per artist / team are permitted.
• All submissions must be in PDF format that includes the following:
1. Artist name/s
2. Website or social media links
3. Artist or team bio (no more than 200 words)
4. Describe your ability to meet the installation / uninstallation requirements (no more than 200 words)
5. Exhibition statement of Intent (no more than 500 words)
6. Exhibition layout or any other depiction that allows the jury to clearly understand how the proposer intends to use the vitrine while clearly understanding the size requirements. Sketches and preliminary ideas are acceptable.
7. Up to 10 images of artwork intended for display
8. Title card information for each of the 10 images that includes:
Artwork title
Artwork size (Height x Width x Depth)
Date created
Submissions will be reviewed by the 811 Stark building management team and members of cityscope. Ideal proposals will consider this unique opportunity for uninterrupted visibility while entertaining themes within urban contexts.
The selection committee reserves the right to select a submission for a future position if they feel that the piece is best suited for a later date. Proposers can decline such offer within 30 days of notice of delayed exhibition.
Please contact with any questions.